08/08/2024 0 Kommentare
Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride
Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride
Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride
# news_english
Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch, 7. August 2024 00:00

© Manuela Schneider/EKBO
Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride
Strong together for democracy and diversity! ? - Under the theme "Love Heals The Soul", the Protestant Church was once again represented with a fully booked truck at the Berlin CSD 2024. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was fantastic. As General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein, who was once again at this year's CSD, said: "Our CSD truck is a great sign that many people in the Protestant Church are always standing up for tolerance and solidarity." Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner was also present and spent quite a while on the Protestant Church's truck in Berlin.
A big thank you to Ulrike Trautwein, Superintendent Silke Radosh-Hinder, the entire team and everyone who made this day possible!