02/07/2024 0 Kommentare
Donations for people of the Ukraine
Donations for people of the Ukraine
Donations for people of the Ukraine
# news_english
Veröffentlicht von Katharina Pfuhl am Dienstag, 26. Juli 2022 15:51

© birdys / photocase.de
Donations for people of the Ukraine
Diakonie-Katastrophenhilfe (Disaster Aid) is on site to help people in the Ukraine or to support them as they flee the war zones: https://www.diakonie-katastrophenhilfe.de/spende/ukraine ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Lobetal Foundation provides help for people in need. You can give donations in kind or money. Donations accepted: Monday to Saturday 8 am - 1 pm (Bodelschwinghstraße 5, Lobetal district, 16321 Bernau bei Berlin). Here you can find the items needed and additional information. The supporting association of the Ukraine-Hilfe Lobetal is cura hominum e.V., based in Lobetal. Here is their donation account information: cura hominum e.V., KD-Bank eG., IBAN DE173506019008080800, SWIFT/BIC GENO DE D1 DKD Password: Nothilfe, Alternatively you can send money using Paypal to: cura-hominum(at)cidnet.de ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gustav-Adolf-Werk of the EKBO e.V. The Ukraine and the concern for our brothers and sisters in faith are also the focus of the current work of the Gustav-Adolf-Werk. The first special payments have already been made by the GAW to the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Ukraine (DELKU) to cover supply costs. At the same time, relief actions have been started in the partner churches of the Ukraine’s neighboring countries: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. The goal is to take in refugees (mostly women and children) and help them in their time of need. For the latest information, please visit https://www.gustav-adolf-werk.de/. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Berliner Tafel e.V. +++We ask for donations!+++ To ensure that our distribution centers are well prepared for the refugees, we kindly ask for additional hygiene items and non-perishable food. It is important that all items are in their original packaging. You can donate at the following locations: 1) The LAIB und SEELE distribution locations on the respective distribution days, preferably 1 - 2 hours before the official opening hours. 2) Our Haltbar store at Pestalozzistrasse 100 in Berlin - Charlottenburg. You can drop off your donations there from Monday to Saturday from 12 pm to 6 pm. 3) The head office of our long-term partner Goldnetz at Köllnischer Park 1 in Berlin - Mitte, where donations are always accepted Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 3 pm.