02/07/2024 0 Kommentare
# news_english

By Melva Victorino - 2022
Commission on Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC)
If there is such a thing as “Love at first sight,” then it happened to me! In the later part of 2011 and the year 2012, I helped coordinate the first and of many Berlin (KKBS) and NY Conference UCC visits. Love could happen in an instance if the right chemistry exists. But it was more than chemistry that transpired; it was an intersection of relationship, of respect, affirmation, values, belief, and priorities we had to make for an abundance of ministry together. There were priorities and opportunities to share for a future of the transformation of the emerging churches. Priorities and opportunities that are happening and will continue for many years to come.
Both the Rev. Dr. Bertold Höcker and Rev. Dr. Silke Radosh-Hinder were heavily involved in Interfaith Relations and dialogue, which is one of the ministries that the NY Conference UCC is committed to. Rev. David Gaewski committed to the partnership with the same fervor that the KKBS brought. The strong affirmation of the NY Conference as an Open And Affirming (ONA) Conference, supports our LGBTQIA+ communities, welcomes the displaced with global efforts to Justice Witness, Human Rights, homelessness, inclusive worship with other faith practices and the collaborative opportunities to the future; touched my heart to a ministry that crosses beyond the theology I believe and follow.
Love at first sight could easily happen when the Power and the Spirit of the God, I serve and worship, comes to me, embodied in a partnership between the KKBS and the NY Conference UCC.
I am part of the whole, and as such I am included in the transformation of the emerging church. Who would not fall in love with a people that represent God? Falling in love with Berlin (KKBS) is not exclusively an experience that I alone have. It could happen to all – to you. For the many who came to New York, and for those who visited Berlin, came home with the same affirmation that I had: “Love at first sight!”